Glass Shelf Installation

pottstown glass display

We can assist you throughout the entire process of your custom glass shelf installation. We offer custom cut pieces of glass to fit your shelving area.


Recently a friend of mine bought a house and went though a major renovation. During this renovation he gutted the entire downstairs because there was a lack of insulation and he had to redo the plumbing.

All of the old plaster walls came down and every window replaced on the whole bottom floor. The only thing that stayed was an old built-in shelving unit with glass shelves.

This shelving unit was original with this 1936 house and was still so beautiful that he had to keep it even though he filled a dumpster up with everything else including the kitchen.

This just goes to show that glass shelving is a timeless accent that can be added to any home to add elegance to any room.


This picture is from a glass shelf installation done by Pottstown Glass Company.

If you are interested in getting some glass shelving, please contact us so we can give you some expert advice.

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